Business warm-up

Yogateacher wants to earn money doing what they love: yoga.

Problem is that they are inexperienced in building a business. They only have the experience of earning money with a job. And jobs are often all-or-nothing:

  • work 40 hours
  • make a good living.

They doubt if they can immediately replace the income and they don’t have the time for another 40 hour commitment. Your job and all-or-nothing thinking should not keep you from following your dreams.

I know how it feels to be insecure. And, I’ve found ways to move forward in spite of it. I created the FOCUS-method with which I help people to prioritize for more passion. I’ve written about that in my book, the anti-uncertainty planner.

Now, I want to help people earn money with their passion.

This is my plan to help you start your business small:

  • book a call
  • come to coaching call
  • finish coaching call with options on what you can sell right now – without having to get another certification

If you want to earn money with your passion, you probably have a plan already. Most of our first plans don’t work. People tend to stick to their plan – even if they know it won’t get them to their goals.

If your plan doesn’t work, keep the goal and update the plan.

You can test your business idea one conversation at a time.

You know what options you have to start earning money with your passion and practice having a business.

As a result: be able to teach yoga your way. And find that way while working your day job.


  • one coaching call of 60-90 minutes
  • second coaching call of 30 minutes about 2 weeks after the first.

Price: 99 Euro